Graduate Course Queries

If you're a current or former student, I would be delighted to hear from you. If you are a prospective student looking to learn more about the MSc in Financial Services, MSc in Risk Management & Insurance, or MSc in Machine Learning for Finance, I would also be delighted to hear from you. Feel free to contact me at


Research Queries

My research group (the Emerging Risk Group) welcomes prospective undergraduate and graduate students. Primarily, we accept students with a strong background and/or interest in risk assessment, decision analysis, policy analysis, risk governance, insurability of emerging risks, and operations research. Students from a variety of departments (e.g., Mathematics, Computer Science, Economics, Geosciences, Biosciences, Physical sciences, Risk & Insurance) are welcomed.


For those wishing to pursue Deep Learning in Finance topics, we accept students with a strong background in any combination of mathematics, statistics, programming, computational simulations, economics, and finance.


If you are strongly interested in our group, or in pursuing Deep Learning for Finance or Climate Finance topics, it is encouraged that you contact me ( directly to see if I anticipate being able to accept students for your semester of entry. Failing that, I can point you to the appropriate subject expert. Please include the following information in your email:


  • Name

  • Current CV

  • Description of your research interests and experience

  • Tentative timeline for your starting semester

  • Sources of funding